Top 5 U.S. National Parks | USA VISA SERVICE |

6 min readJul 14, 2021


For more than 100 years, the National Park Service has managed millions of acres solely for the “enjoyment, education and inspiration of this and future generations.” Today, 63 national parks in the United States draw millions of visitors a year to unique natural wonders and unforgettable terrains. To determine the best U.S. national parks, U.S. News considered the opinions of both travel experts and recent park visitors.

Yellowstone national park

#1 in Best U.S. National Parks

Yellowstone National Park, the oldest, one of the largest, and probably the best-known national park in the United States. It is situated principally in northwestern Wyoming and partly in southern Montana and eastern Idaho and includes the greatest concentration of hydrothermal features in the world.

yellowstone nation park
yellow stone national park by U.S.A. VISA SERVICE

canyons, Waterfalls, Rivers, Lakes, Hot Springs, Geysers, Volcanoes, forests, plains, Mountain passes, valleys with plenty of wildlife!
Hats off to the National Park Services for making this park accessible, yet keeping it wild!

Plan to spend at least 3 to 4 days here, if not a week. Don’t miss the Geyser basins, particularly Old faithful in the upper geyser basin. Visit the Lamar Valley and Hayden Valley for wildlife. Mammoth Hot Springs, Mud Volcanoes(don’t miss the Dragon’s breath), Yellowstone Falls and Yellowstone lake! Something not everyone takes up — but the route from Yellowstone down to Grand Teton is beautiful too! Do cover that section of the park too!

The park is crowded — duh! — Plan your visits early in the morning or in the evenings! And, you can chill at the visitor centers which all have stores and restaurants near by during the afternoon!

Yosemite national park

#2 in Best National Parks in the World

One of California’s most formidable natural landscapes, Yosemite National Park features nearly 1,200 square miles of sheer awe: towering waterfalls, millennia-old sequoia trees, striking, daunting cliff faces and some of the most unique rock formations in the United States.

Yosemite National Park by U.S.A. VISA SERVICE

An incredible and beautiful park, with some of the best views and climbing routes in the world

A friendly park for families, hikers, backpackers, climbers, highly recommend for anyone

A climbing paradise, definitely want to come back and try some climbing

I believe right now you have to get park reservations (camping or day pass), so make sure to get them early!


I can’t even begin to explain how magical it is to visit Yosemite National Park. This is a piece of earth that I am so lucky to have witnessed. It’s a place where no wi-fi connection exists, which in turn forces you to connect with Mother Nature. If you want to take it all in, I’d suggest planning and stay several days inside the park, so plan wisely. The days that I visited were quite pleasant, not too hot but not too cold (late May-early June). I did take my dog Duchess with me, which was quite lovely, but I’d recommend leaving your pets at home to enjoy the adventures fully; there are several popular hikes where pets are not allowed, so something to think about. I did need to reserve my entry pass well in advance, which was suitable for three days. The park was not jammed packed with tourists, which was incredible for two things,

1. more available parking

2. taking pictures without being photobombed. With covid-19 restrictions being lifted,

I won’t be surprised if they start allowing more people to park. I want to return and trek parts of the park where I could not go with my dog, such a the half dome. Please visit this park if you want to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of the city and if you want to reconnect with nature at a seller level.

Glacier National Park

#3 in Best National Parks in the World

Mother Nature’s talent as an artist is in evidence everywhere at Montana’s Glacier National Park, from the verdant glacier-carved valleys to the effervescent waterfalls and razor-edged peaks. Stretched across the massive back of the Continental Divide, Glacier manages to be spectacularly wild yet eminently accessible at the same time. Blessed with excellent roads and well-maintained attractions, visitors can roam the park as easily as the grizzly bears and rivers that comprise its pristine ecosystem.

Glacier National Park by U.S.A VISA SERVICE

Iconic. This park is best enjoyed over a full week or more, if you are so lucky. The park services & multiple private vendors will contribute greatly to your menu of activities. There are bears and you need to educate yourself about bear safety before coming. The entire area surrounding this huge park is geared to make your visit a happy one. The locals are wonderful hosts and guides with an appreciation for their state economy, natural resources, and the threat of climate change to Montana. Also, it is easy to find good restaurants and healthy groceries on the roads leading you to GNP. There is no sales tax in MT.

Grand Canyon national park

#4 in Best U.S. National Parks

Grand Canyon National Park encompasses canyons, river tributaries, and surrounding grounds. The Grand Canyon is situated in Arizona’s northwestern quadrant. With millions of visitors making the trip to the canyon each year, this park is one of the most visited tourist destinations in the world. In addition, the park has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1979.

This is such a beautiful place to visit as one of America’s premier national parks. Just the sense of how large this Canyon is awe inspiring from the rim. Hiking into the canyon adds another dimension to the experience as you are able to not only see how deep the canyon goes but also get great views of the walls of the canyon. Overall I would recommend going to the Grand Canyon.

Note:-Pictures and words really cannot properly express the beauty and awe of the Grand Canyon. I highly recommend coming and seeing this place. If you have time, reserve an excursion to the bottom of the canyon or take a helicopter ride over it. This place will not disappoint.

Grand Teton National Park

#5 in Best U.S. National Parks

Grand Teton National Park boasts 310,000 acres of lush valley floors, mountain meadows, alpine lakes and the rising peaks of the Grand Teton Mountain Range. Located just north of Jackson, Wyoming, Grand Teton has a diverse and long-standing history that includes human use from more than 11,000 years ago.

Wonderful views. The park rangers are all very knowledgeable and more than happy to guide you towards things your family might be interested in doing or seeing. It’s not a bank breaker to get the passes and it’s totally worth the cost to support our parks. There are different Jr Park Ranger badges here than in Yellowstone which are fun activities for kids as well as great knowledge for adults in some instances. The river tours are great ways to enjoy calm scenery while catching sights of different wildlife you might not encounter in the woods.


This Article written by U.S.A VISA SERVICE




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